Home > Product > 03. ACS MAGNETIC INSTRUMENTS > ACS Magnetic Copper Bottle - Table Ware

ACS Magnetic Copper Bottle - Table Ware

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Price : 850

Product Details

I. Code
6 cm
27 cm
8 cm
500 gm
Hsn Code
QTY in Per Box

Product Description

Instruction for uses and cleaning

• Do not use for storing acidic liquids, fruit juices & vinegar to remove tarnish from copper pots. 
• Use lemon halves dipped in salt or copper cleaner or buttermilk to remove the patches of corrosion.
• After treating. wash promptly soap and water, rinse and dry.
• Do not use copper bottle water in wilson's disease.
Many reasons why you should drink water from a My Precious Bottle every morning on an empty Stomach
• Boosts Brain Health 
• Slows Down Aging
• Promotes Healthy Skin
• Beats Arthritis 
• Anemia Joint Pain
• Strengthens Heart Functioning
• Improves Immunity
• Fights Inflammation
• Eye Problem
• Sinus Problem
• Tooth Problem
• Thyroid Problem
• Liver Problem
• Pancreas Problem
• Kidney Problem
• Urine Problem
• Overweight Problem
• Body Fat Problem
• Migraine Problem
• All Body Blood Circulation
• Prevents Water Borne Disease
• Keeps the Digestive System Healthy
• Aids Weight Loss

ताँबा प्राचीनकाल से चिकित्सा में प्रयोग किया जा रहा है। नित्य प्रातः चुम्बकीय ताँबे के बोटल में रखा पानी पीने से मोटापा, पेट रोग, यकृत रोग, त्वचा रोग, स्त्री रोग, ष्वेत प्रदर, कील-मुँहासे आदि हटाने में व  चेहरे की क्रान्ति बढ़ाने में लाभदायक है।

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