Home > Product > 16. OTHER PYRAMID, VAASTU, FENG SHUI, CRYSTAL INSTRUMENTS > Pyramid Crystal 1gm = Rs.25 Min 10 gm

Pyramid Crystal 1gm = Rs.25 Min 10 gm

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Price : 250

Product Details

I. Code
3 cm
4 cm
2 cm
100 gm
Hsn Code
QTY in Per Box

Product Description

These are "extra" high quality Clear Quartz Crystal Pyramids. Pyramids help to amplify and focus energies. These clear quartz Pyramids are ice water clear, are very powerful to use in crystal grids, healing sessions or in your meditations.

Clear Quartz is often called the "Stone of Power" and can help to amplify any energy or intention. Clear Quartz is also known as the "Master Healer" with its very high vibration  and is the most versatile healing stone among the crystals. Clear Quartz is said to protect against negativity, attune to your higher self, and relieve pain.

Pyramids have an ability to amplify and focus the energy of one's intention. The Sacred Geometry inherent within any pyramid's design is what gives it the power within. The most powerful area in a pyramid is in the center, near the apex, so it can be helpful to focus your intention into this spot. When working with these powerful items, be sure you have stated a purpose for the highest good, and are clear about your desires.

By combining the Sacred Geometry of a Pyramid with the Sacred Geometry of a Quartz Crystal, you get a powerful piece that carries some high energies. The properties of focus and amplification are multiplied in these beautiful Clear Quartz Crystal Pyramids, making them great for manifestation programs. The more spiritual qualities of Pyramids and of Quartz combine to make these Pyramids excellent meditation aids as well.

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